Jasper Hawks

  • Software Developer

  • Rock Climber

  • Full Stack Developer

  • Tea Drinker

  • Book Reader

About Me

Since the age of 11 I've had a hands on approach to computer science. From 11-13 I used resources such as MIT's Scratch or Khan Academy's Computer Programming/Science courses. In high school I enrolled in Java classes and developed a rudimentary text based game. Today I stand on the foundation of my adolescence as a software developer with intimate knowledge of web and software technologies that have propelled me to working in large enterprise environments managing mission critical software.

My Philosophy

Simple, Extensible, Efficient. Simple code is easy to read and explain to those who have no familiarity with the codebase or computer science itself. Extensible code is written with the idea that bugs and features aren't a matter of if but when. Efficient Code leverages as few resources as possible for speed.

My Blog

My Blog is a place where I write about projects I'm working on, clever solutions I've found or general thoughts I have on Comp Sci or other unrelated issues.

Other Interests

I'm an avid hiker and rock climber, traveling around the country to find trails and rocks. I dabble with Arduinos and other micro-controllers. I read mostly history, comp sci, and philosophy books and I collect aged Chinese teas.